Category Archives: Android Update

New Android API Lets Developers Push Updates Within their Apps

You might have read somewhere online today that Google is granting Android app developers powers to forcefully install app updates…but it is not true.Instead, the tech giant is providing a new feature that will help users to have up-to-date Android apps all the time and yes, it's optional.Along with the launch of a number of new tools and features at its Android Dev Summit 2018, Google has

Google Android P is officially called Android 9 Pie

If you have bet on Peppermint, Pancake or Pastry for "P" in the next version of Google's mobile operating system, sorry guys you lose because Android P stands for Android Pie.Yes, the next version of sugary snack-themed Android and the successor to Android Oreo will now be known as Android 9.0 Pie, and it has officially arrived, Google revealed on Monday.Android 9 Pie — 5 Best New

Google Makes it Mandatory for OEMs to Roll Out Android Security Updates Regularly

Security of Android devices has been a nightmare since its inception, and the biggest reason being is that users don't receive latest security patch updates regularly.Precisely, it's your device manufacturer (Android OEMs) actually who takes time to roll out security patches for your devices and sometimes, even has been caught lying about security updates, telling customers that their