Category Archives: free web hosting

5 Popular Web Hosting Services Found Vulnerable to Multiple Flaws

A security researcher has discovered multiple one-click client-side vulnerabilities in the some of the world's most popular and widely-used web hosting companies that could have put millions of their customers as well as billions of their sites' visitors at risk of hacking.Independent researcher and bug-hunter Paulos Yibelo, who shared his new research with The Hacker News, discovered roughly

DomainFactory Hacked—Hosting Provider Asks All Users to Change Passwords

Besides Timehop, another data breach was discovered last week that affects users of one of the largest web hosting companies in Germany, DomainFactory, owned by GoDaddy.The breach initially happened back in last January this year and just emerged last Tuesday when an unknown attacker himself posted a breach note on the DomainFactory support forum.It turns out that the attacker breached