Category Archives: hacking bluetooth devices

A Dozen Vulnerabilities Affect Millions of Bluetooth LE Powered Devices

A team of cybersecurity researchers late last week disclosed the existence of 12 potentially severe security vulnerabilities, collectively named 'SweynTooth,' affecting millions of Bluetooth-enabled wireless smart devices worldwide—and worryingly, a few of which haven't yet been patched.All SweynTooth flaws basically reside in the way software development kits (SDKs) used by multiple

New Bluetooth Vulnerability Lets Attackers Spy On Encrypted Connections

Over a billion Bluetooth-enabled devices, including smartphones, laptops, smart IoT devices, and industrial devices, have been found vulnerable to a high severity vulnerability that could allow attackers to spy on data transmitted between the two devices.The vulnerability, assigned as CVE-2019-9506, resides in the way 'encryption key negotiation protocol' lets two Bluetooth BR/EDR devices

Two New Bluetooth Chip Flaws Expose Millions of Devices to Remote Attacks

Security researchers have unveiled details of two critical vulnerabilities in Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) chips embedded in millions of access points and networking devices used by enterprises around the world.Dubbed BleedingBit, the set of two vulnerabilities could allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code and take full control of vulnerable devices without authentication, including

New Bluetooth Hack Affects Millions of Devices from Major Vendors

Yet another bluetooth hacking technique has been uncovered.A highly critical cryptographic vulnerability has been found affecting some Bluetooth implementations that could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker in physical proximity of targeted devices to intercept, monitor or manipulate the traffic they exchange.The Bluetooth hacking vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2018-5383, affects