Category Archives: hacking computers

Update Google Chrome Browser to Patch New Critical Security Flaws

Google has released an urgent software update for its Chrome web browser and is urging Windows, Mac, and Linux users to upgrade the application to the latest available version immediately.Started rolling out to users worldwide this Wednesday, the Chrome 77.0.3865.90 version contains security patches for 1 critical and 3 high-risk security vulnerabilities, the most severe of which could allow

Here’s the List of ~600 MAC Addresses Targeted in Recent ASUS Hack

EXCLUSIVE — While revealing details of a massive supply chain cyber attack against ASUS customers, Russian security firm Kaspersky last week didn't release the full list all MAC addresses that hackers hardcoded into their malware to surgically target a specific pool of users.Instead, Kaspersky released a dedicated offline tool and launched an online web page where ASUS PC users can search

MOSQUITO Attack Allows Air-Gapped Computers to Covertly Exchange Data

The team of security researchers—who last month demonstrated how attackers could steal data from air-gapped computers protected inside a Faraday cage—are back with its new research showing how two (or more) air-gapped PCs placed in the same room can covertly exchange data via ultrasonic waves.Air-gapped computers are believed to be the most secure setup wherein the systems remain isolated