Category Archives: hacking network

New Group of Hackers Targeting Businesses with Financially Motivated Cyber Attacks

Security researchers have tracked down activities of a new group of financially-motivated hackers that are targeting several businesses and organizations in Germany, Italy, and the United States in an attempt to infect them with backdoor, banking Trojan, or ransomware malware.Though the new malware campaigns are not customized for each organization, the threat actors appear to be more

More SIM Cards Vulnerable to Simjacker Attack Than Previously Disclosed

Remember the Simjacker vulnerability?Earlier this month, we reported about a critical unpatched weakness in a wide range of SIM cards, which an unnamed surveillance company has actively been exploiting in the wild to remotely compromise targeted mobile phones just by sending a specially crafted SMS to their phone numbers.If you can recall, the Simjacker vulnerability resides in a dynamic