Category Archives: geolocation

Flaws in Over Half a Million GPS Trackers Expose Children Location Data

What if the tech intended to ensure that your kids, senior citizens, and pets are safe even when they're out of sight inadvertently expose them to stalkers?An estimated 600,000 GPS tracking devices for sale on Amazon and other large online merchants for $25–$50 have been found vulnerable to a handful of dangerous vulnerabilities that may have exposed user's real-time locations, security

Google Adds New Option to ‘Auto-Delete’ Your Location History and Activity Data

Google is giving you more control over how long you want the tech company to hold on to your location history and web activity data.Google has introduced a new, easier, privacy-focused auto-delete feature for your Google account that will allow you to automatically delete your Location History and Web and App Activity data after a set period of time.Google's Location History feature, if

Google Helps Police Identify Devices Close to Crime Scenes Using Location Data

It's no secret that Google tracks you everywhere, even when you keep Google's Location History feature disabled.As revealed by an Associated Press investigation in 2018, other Google apps like Maps or daily weather update service on Android allows the tech giant to continuously collect your precise latitude and longitude.According to Google, the company uses this location-tracking